Bayes@Lund 2024
We hereby cordially invite you to participate in the 10th anniversary edition of Bayes@Lund! The conference was started in 2014 with the purpose of bringing together researchers and professionals working with or interested in Bayesian methods. Bayes@Lund aims at being accessible to researchers with little experience of Bayesian methods while still being relevant to experienced practitioners. The focus is on how Bayesian methods are used in research and in the industry, what advantages Bayesian methods have over other alternatives, and how the use and teaching of Bayesian methods can be encouraged.
The conference will include contributed talks and invited presentations.
Invited Speakers
- Prof. Nicky Welton is a Professor of Statistical and Health Economic Modelling at the University of Bristol working on methods for evidence synthesis in healthcare decision-making. She leads the Multi-Parameter Evidence Synthesis research group, is co-Director of the Guidelines Technical Support Unit for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Co-Director of the Bristol Technology Assessment Group, and was a long-standing member of the NICE technology appraisals committee.
- Prof. Finn Lindgren is a Professor of Statistics in the School of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh. He received a PhD in Engineering in Mathematical Statistics at Lund University (2003), and has since worked as lecturer and research fellow at Lund University and Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology in Trondheim, followed by four years as Reader at the University of Bath, before joining the growing Statistics group in Edinburgh in 2016. He has served as Associate Editor of Annals of Applied Statistics, as member of the Royal Statistical Society Research Committee, and is an Elected Member of ISI.
Pre-Conference Workshop
In addition, this year's conference will feature a pre-conference workshop "An Introduction to Network Meta-Analysis using the multinma R-package" held on 6 March 2024 in the afternoon by our keynote speaker Prof. Nicky Welton.
Additional Information
For more information and registration, please visit the conference website.
Om händelsen
2024-03-07 09:30
Blå Hallen, Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37
bayesatlund [at] gmail [dot] com